Bemaadizijig Ganoonindwaa: Talking to People
Anishinaabekwe Lisa Abel hosts the official Anishinabek Nation podcast, which focuses on initiatives and issues throughout Anishinabek Nation territory. Tune in to explore Anishinaabe governance, lands and resources, language revitalization, health, politics, and much more with featured guests! Visit us at

10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Anishinabek families that are involved or at-risk of becoming involved in child protection matters can access support through the Anishinabek Nation Circle Process, a culturally-based, voluntary, child-centered, confidential circle, providing Anishinabek First Nation families with the support needed to create a plan that addresses child and youth well-being issues. This service is coordinated through Koganaawsawin, the central coordinating body of the Anishinabek Child, Youth, and Family Well-Being System. Leanna Farr, in-house legal counsel with the Anishinabek Nation, explains how the Circle Process is meant to be a safe space and an alternative to mainstream courts and dispute resolution processes. Developed with the guidance of the Anishinabek Nation Child Well-Being Working Group, the Circle Process guiding principles and in-depth training are strongly rooted in our Anishinaabe culture.This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation. Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, and “Just Us” by Wolf Saga and David R. Maracle, licensed by Nagamo Publishing. “Easy Lemon” by Kevin MacLeod. Click here to download the transcript:
Links and Resources: Koganaawsawin – Anishinabek Nation Circle Process Child Well-Being Law
Koganaawsawin – Child Well-Being Working Group
An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Metis children, youth and families
Koganaawsawin podcast series: Advocating for Anishinabek Children and Youth - Duke Peltier, Anishinabek Nation Children’s Commissioner with Stan Cloud, Director of Social Development and Koganaawsawin

Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
In 2024, Beausoleil First Nation opened their very own dialysis unit, named Anwaatin Nbi (Calming Waters). Since Beausoleil is only accessible by ferry, having dialysis available in the community reduces travel and treatment time for each visit from up to eight hours, to just three hours.Deborah Laramey, Director of the Beausoleil Family Health Centre, says that obtaining an important service such as dialysis is possible for other First Nations. She also discusses how community health outcomes can be impacted by housing, food security and high transportation costs. Nephrologist and researcher Dr. Scott Brimble explains how health care teams need to take the time to learn about a First Nations’ community context and gain trust in order to provide culturally safe care. This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation.
Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, and “A Very Warm Welcome” by Justin Delorme, licensed by Nagamo Publishing.Click here to download the transcript:
Links and Resources: Beausoleil Family Health Centre Kidney Foundation of Canada Renal Network

Monday Feb 10, 2025
Monday Feb 10, 2025
How can mental health providers and addictions services ensure culturally safe care? Dr. Rennie Linklater shares some of the ways that Shkaabe Makwa, a Centre for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Wellness at CAMH, the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health in Toronto, grounds their work in spiritual, psychological and cultural safety to support Indigenous people on their healing journey.
Rennie Linklater, PhD, is the Senior Director of Shkaabe Makwa. Rennie describes Shkaabe Makwa's main service areas in patient care, workforce development, training, research, and strategic initiatives at CAMH. Rennie also describes the importance of relationships with the local Indigenous community, and supporting their staff in strengthening their cultural grounding.
Rennie Linklater is a member of Rainy River First Nations in northwestern Ontario. Rennie has twenty-five years’ experience working with Indigenous healing agencies and First Nation communities. Her passion has brought her to work across the health and education sectors as a front-line worker, program evaluator, curriculum developer, educator/trainer, and researcher. She is an international speaker on trauma and healing and the author of "Decolonizing Trauma Work: Indigenous Stories and Strategies."
This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation. Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, and “Falling Forward” by Justin Delorme, licensed by Nagamo Publishing.Click here to download the transcript:
Links: Shkaabe Makwa:
Decolonizing Trauma Work: Indigenous Stories and Strategies:
Connected in Creation: A Collection of Lived Experience through Cultural Expression:

Friday Jan 24, 2025
Friday Jan 24, 2025
Curtis Avery, Manager of the Nipissing First Nation Environment Department, describes the Moose research in their territory. Also: hear the Moose Calling Competition held at the Moose Symposium in September 2024!
Curtis shares how the NFN Environment Department is using data collected through satellite imagery, remote sensors, a weather station and trail cameras, as well as on-the-ground surveys, water sampling and fecal pellet counts, to assess the state of the Moose population and the ecosystems within Nipissing First Nation territory, Lake Nipissing and the surrounding administrative area.
A highlight of the Anishinabek Nation Mooz Maawanjiding (Moose Symposium) was the moose calling competition. Experienced harvesters showed off their skills in three categories: longest call, funniest call, and best call. The calls were specific to moose behavior, such as a cow calling a calf or interactions between cows and bulls.
Curtis Avery is a proud member of Nipissing First Nation and also has roots in M'Chigeeng First Nation. Curtis has focused on enhancing the symbiotic relationship between humans and the environment throughout his career. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology and Technology. He has worked as a Fisheries Biologist for the Anishinabek/Ontario Fisheries Resource Centre and has served as a Lands and Resource Coordinator for the Anishinabek Nation. As the Environment Manager for Nipissing First Nation, Curtis is dedicated to addressing environmental and regulatory challenges, and ensuring the community's adaptability and resilience amidst ongoing environmental changes.
This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation.
Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, “For Eddie” by Don Ross, and “Highway” by Justin Delorme, licensed by Nagamo Publishing.Click here to download the transcript.
Links and Resources:Mooz symposium part 1: Traditional mooz harvesting and climate change Nipissing First Nation Environment Department Anishinabek Nation Mooz Maawanjiding – Moose Symposium panel provides insights on adapting to changes in the moose – Anishinabek Nation Moose co-management a priority at Anishinabek Nation Mooz Maawanjiding—Moose Symposium – Anishinabek Nation Factors that affect moose survival – ON Ministry of Natural ResourcesVideo: Moose Calling Competition Anishinabek Nation | Here Moosey, Moosey, Moosey 🫎
Video: Moose Calling Competition

Monday Jan 13, 2025
Monday Jan 13, 2025
Sergeant Chantal Larocque of the Anishinabek Police Service shares how to spot the signs of elder abuse and how to protect yourself from scams and financial fraud.
Sergeant Larocque is the Media and Recruitment officer for the Anishinabek Police Service and has been in policing for over 25 years. She is Franco-Algonquin from Mattawa and is a sought-after public speaker. She provides Indigenous awareness sessions to police services across Ontario.
Elder abuse is often underreported in First Nation communities. An isolated elderly community member may be more vulnerable to abuse. Sergeant Larocque describes some signs of physical or financial abuse, and how important it is to report concerns to the police or to a health centre. While charges may be necessary, the overall goal is to listen to the elder's wishes, and get services in place to help them reach mino bimaadiziwin, the good life.
Scam artists are constantly creating new schemes to defraud people, and are aware that some First Nation members are receiving settlement money, such as the Robinson Huron Treaty settlement for past annuities. Sergeant Larocque says to beware of financial scams that may involve attempts to get people's credit card information and account passwords, as well as investment opportunities that are probably too good to be true.
It's also important for everyone to have an updated Power of Attorney and Will, with decision-making responsibility assigned to someone you trust.The Anishinabek Nation Legal Department, with the support of the Law Foundation of Ontario, has created an online workbook called “Caring for our Elders,” that contains information about elder abuse, wills and estates law, matrimonial real property law, and how these areas of law may apply specifically to First Nations’ related circumstances. A short "Caring for our Elders" video playlist is also available on the Anishinabek Nation YouTube channel. This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation.
Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, licensed by Nagamo Publishing, and "Chill Wave" by Kevin MacLeod. Click here to download the transcript. Links and resources: Caring for our Elders Workbook – Anishinabek Nation Caring for our Elders Video Series – Anishinabek Nation Domestic/Family Violence and Elder Abuse – Anishinabek Police Service Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario If you see it, report it, says APS Sergeant Larocque – Anishinabek News

Monday Dec 16, 2024
Monday Dec 16, 2024
In this episode, we’ll meet Duke Peltier, the Anishinabek Nation’s Children’s Commissioner (Abinoojiinyan Onji-E-Bimiikang). Duke Peltier was appointed to this role in 2019. He is an independent voice for Anishinabek children and youth advocating for their best interests, rights and well-being. He provides high-level oversight over the implementation, compliance, and enforcement of the Anishinabek Nation Child Well-Being Law and the Anishinabek Nation Children and Youth Bill of Rights.
This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation.
Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, and “Just Us” by Wolf Saga and David R. Maracle, licensed by Nagamo Publishing.
Click here to download the transcript.
Links and resources:
Koganaawsawin – Office of the Children’s Commissioner News: Ogimaa Duke Peltier appointed Anishinabek Nation Children’s Commisioner Nation Child Well-Being Law
Anishinabek Nation Children and Youth Bill of Rights
Koganaawsawin Repatriation Services
The Supreme Court of Canada unanimously affirms Indigenous jurisdiction over child welfare
Executive summary of the Final Agreement on Long-Term Reform of the First Nations Child and Family Services Program
First Nations leadership vote on the Final Agreement to reform Child and Family Services
Chiefs of Ontario remain committed to ending the discrimination against children living on-reserve
Devon’s Principle: Recommendations – Inquest into the death of: Devon Russell James Freeman (Muska’abo)

Monday Dec 09, 2024
Monday Dec 09, 2024
NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun and Aaron Bowerman share some of the assumptions and challenges Two-Spirit people may encounter when accessing health care, and reflect on the importance of healthy, supportive communities.
This is the fourth of four podcasts that Bemaadizijig Ganoonindwaa has created in collaboration with members of the Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council exploring Two-Spirit themed topics: Two-Spirit Terminology; Two-Spirit Histories, Roles and Responsibilities; Addressing homophobia; and Health.
NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun (Longfeather), also known as Lyndon George, is a member of the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation and lives in Hamilton. NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun identifies as Anishinaabe Ojokwe, one of many terms used by the Two-Spirit community. NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun works in the justice field and has worked with Indigenous people all of their life, both on and off-reserve.
Aaron Bowerman was born and raised in Sheguiandah First Nation on Manitoulin Island. Aaron identifies as an Anishinaabe Two-Spirit man. Aaron has worked in the Greater Toronto Area for over 10 years supporting various communities as a front-line harm reduction worker. Aaron is an Indigenous Research Associate with the City of Toronto.
This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation.
For more information about the Anishinabek Nation’s Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council, contact: Barb Naveau, Special Projects Coordinator.
Anishinabek News: Anishinabek Nation welcomes new advisory council
Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, and “Where the Road Meets the Sky” by Justin Delorme, licensed by Nagamo Publishing.
Click here to download the transcript.

Monday Dec 09, 2024
Monday Dec 09, 2024
NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun and Aaron Bowerman share ways to address homophobia through the use of inclusive language and policies, by ensuring that Two Spirit people are welcome at ceremony, and by supporting Two-Spirit youth.
This is the third of four podcasts that Bemaadizijig Ganoonindwaa has created in collaboration with members of the Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council exploring Two-Spirit themed topics: Two-Spirit Terminology; Two-Spirit Histories, Roles and Responsibilities; Homophobia; and Health.
NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun (Longfeather), also known as Lyndon George, is a member of the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation and lives in Hamilton. NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun identifies as Anishinaabe Ojokwe, one of many terms used by the Two-Spirit community. NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun works in the justice field and has worked with Indigenous people all of their life, both on and off-reserve.
Aaron Bowerman was born and raised in Sheguiandah First Nation on Manitoulin Island. Aaron identifies as an Anishinaabe Two-Spirit man. Aaron has worked in the Greater Toronto Area for over 10 years supporting various communities as a front-line harm reduction worker. Aaron is an Indigenous Research Associate with the City of Toronto.
For more information about the Anishinabek Nation’s Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council, contact: Barb Naveau, Special Projects Coordinator.
Anishinabek News: Anishinabek Nation welcomes new advisory council
This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation.
Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, and “Where the Road Meets the Sky” by Justin Delorme, licensed by Nagamo Publishing.
Click here to download the transcript.

Monday Dec 02, 2024
Monday Dec 02, 2024
NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun and Aaron Bowerman, members of the Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council, talk about their understandings of Two Spirit histories, and how Two-Spirit people traditionally had highly respected community roles and responsibilities. Today, Two Spirit people are reclaiming their rightful place within our communities, with the help of Anishinaabe who have held on to our original teachings; ceremonies, and intergenerational support, especially for vulnerable Two Spirit youth who are looking to reconnect to Anishinaabe ceremony and community. This is the second of four podcasts that Bemaadizijig Ganoonindwaa has created in collaboration with members of the Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council exploring Two-Spirit themed topics: Two-Spirit Terminology; Two-Spirit Histories, Roles and Responsibilities; Homophobia; and Health.NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun (Longfeather), also known as Lyndon George, is a member of the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation and lives in Hamilton. NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun identifies as Anishinaabe Ojokwe, one of many terms used by the Two-Spirit community. NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun works in the justice field and has worked with Indigenous people all of their life, both on and off-reserve.
Aaron Bowerman was born and raised in Sheguiandah First Nation on Manitoulin Island. Aaron identifies as an Anishinaabe Two-Spirit man. Aaron has worked in the Greater Toronto Area for over 10 years supporting various communities as a front-line harm reduction worker. Aaron is currently employed with the City of Toronto as an Indigenous Research Associate.Links and Resources: For more information about the Anishinabek Nation’s Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council, contact: Barb Naveau, Special Projects Coordinator.
Anishinabek News: Anishinabek Nation welcomes new advisory council
Statement by Hon. Murray Sinclair-Baa regarding the Tragedy in FloridaReclaiming Power and Place – Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people Meant to be – Kristen Shawana baa’s story.
This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation.
Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, and “Where the Road Meets the Sky” by Justin Delorme, licensed by Nagamo Publishing, and "Immersed" by Kevin MacLeod. Click here to download the transcript.

Monday Dec 02, 2024
Monday Dec 02, 2024
NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun and Aaron Bowerman, members of the Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council, talk about reclaiming Two-Spirit terminology that is embedded in Anishinaabe language and ceremony. Bemaadizijig Ganoonindwaa has collaborated with the Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council to create a series of four podcasts exploring Two-Spirit themed topics: Two-Spirit Terminology; Two-Spirit Histories, Roles and Responsibilities; Homophobia; and Health.NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun (Longfeather), also known as Lyndon George, is a member of the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation and lives in Hamilton. NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun identifies as Anishinaabe Ojokwe, one of many terms used by the Two-Spirit community. NaWalka Geeshy Meegwun works in the justice field and has worked with Indigenous people all of their life, both on and off-reserve.
Aaron Bowerman was born and raised in Sheguiandah First Nation on Manitoulin Island. Aaron identifies as an Anishinaabe Two-Spirit man. Aaron has worked in the Greater Toronto Area for over 10 years supporting various communities as a front-line harm reduction worker. Aaron is currently employed with the City of Toronto as an Indigenous Research Associate.Links and Resources: For more information about the Anishinabek Nation’s Anishinabek Nation’s Two-Spirit, Two-Heart, Indigenous Queer Nation Advisory Council, contact: Barb Naveau, Special Projects Coordinator.
Anishinabek News: Anishinabek Nation welcomes new advisory council
This podcast is produced by the Communications Department at the Anishinabek Nation.
Music: “Brothers” by Wolf Saga and Chippewa Travellers, and "Where the Road Meets the Sky", licensed by Nagamo Publishing.Click here to download the transcript.

About the Anishinabek Nation
The Anishinabek Nation is the oldest political organization in Ontario and can trace its roots back to the Confederacy of Three Fires, which existed long before European contact. The Anishinabek Nation established the Union of Ontario Indians as its secretariat in 1949. Today, the Union of Ontario Indians represents 39 Anishinabek First Nations throughout the province of Ontario, with an approximate combined population of 65,000 citizens.
The Anishinabek Nation delivers a variety of programs and services; provides the necessary forum for collective First Nation action on individual and collective issues by way of resolution from Chiefs-in-Assembly which provides direction to the Grand Council Chief; and, is governed by a Board of Directors and has a Grand Council Chief, and a Deputy Grand Council Chief, who carry the day-to-day leadership responsibilities.
For more information, visit and